Tag Archives | Auditorium

Auditorium Types: 6 Main Types of Auditorium

This article throws light upon the six main types of auditorium. The types are: 1. Lecture Halls 2. Classrooms 3. Theatres 4. Auditoria for Music 5. Concert Halls and Opera Houses 6. Studios. Type # 1. Lecture Halls: There is a wide variation in the size of lecture halls. With respect to acoustic properties, larger lecture halls may be treated [...]

By |2016-06-11T08:37:27+00:00June 7, 2016|Noise Pollution|Comments Off on Auditorium Types: 6 Main Types of Auditorium

Auditorium: Reverberation Time, Speech and Acoustics

After reading this article you will learn about :- 1. Reverberation Time of an Auditorium 2. Speech in an Auditorium 3. Control of Acoustics. Reverberation Time of an Auditorium: Reverberation time T of a room can be calculated using the formula T = kV/A, ...(1) where T = reverberation time (in seconds), V = volume of the enclosure (in m3), [...]

By |2016-06-11T08:37:20+00:00June 7, 2016|Noise Pollution|Comments Off on Auditorium: Reverberation Time, Speech and Acoustics
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